The Art of BlogChain

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In the world we live in, everything is changing in the blink of an eye. The way we behave, communicate, and even our eating habits are completely different from the way it was 50 years ago. One of the major reasons behind this alteration is the fast-paced advancement in technology. Technology trends such as Blockchain, Augmented Reality and Machine Learning are taking our lives to entirely different directions. Besides our way of living, these technological changes affect each and every industry around us, even the Art sector.

At the first time, it may seem that there is no link between the art world and technology. As we dig deeper, we will identify these connections between technology, especially Blockchain, and Arts. We would like to identify those trends that are revolutionizing all the industries connected to the Arts (Figurative arts, Publishing, Sculpture, etc.) and driving companies to find new business models.
We are going to present some of the most striking innovations of the last few years and the companies that took advantage of it to create a new and different way of thinking about Art.

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What is Blockchain?

According to the definition we find in the Applied Innovation Review, “A blockchain is essentially a distributed database of records, or public ledger of all transactions or digital events that have been executed and shared among participating parties. Each transaction in the public ledger is verified by consensus of a majority of the participants in the system. Once entered, information can never be erased. The blockchain contains a certain and verifiable record of every single transaction ever made” (M. Crosby, Nachiappan, P. Pattanayak, S. Verma, V. Kalyanaraman).
Therefore, because of these characteristics, Blockchain is an instrument that can be used to increase transparency and efficiency in processes.
This technology is mainly known for its application in Cryptocurrency transactions, but today, because of the versatility of this technology, more and more people are working on different applications of Blockchain in order to solve various issues in different sectors, including Arts Industry.

What’s the connection between Blockchain and Art?

Usually, we think that sectors as Art Industry and Publishing can hardly be innovated.
Until some years ago this thought was probably based on reality, but nowadays it is nothing more than a prejudice. As a matter of fact, these industries have had in the last few years a significant amount of innovations, such as the augmented reality in Immersive Shows and Museums or innovative conservation techniques.
Blockchain, among the others, can probably have the greatest impact on these sectors. As a matter of fact, it can solve a lot of problems that affect Arts Industry, such as the copyright violation, the difficulty of keeping track of all the movements of a piece of art, the lack of transparency in art auctions.
Many companies already started to work on this topic with exciting results, in the following posts we’ll be able to see in particular the progress they made and the future perspectives.
